
I think...

the reason for my seemingly constant bouts with writer's block is this damned blog...
for reasons that really escape me, I've cultivated a somewhat faithful, albeit small,
readership. I humbly appreciate that you take the time to visit here and your attention to my scratchings, however...
writing, for me, has been more than something I like to do, it is something I have to do. It's something that helps me keep my soul from spinning away and let's me keep in touch with myself, which, for those of you who know me personally, know that must be quite a feat. I feel that I've been cheating myself a little bit in that area and cheating you even more. I find myself writing to hope that I can present you with things that are amusing, or interesting, or profound, while the essence of what I need to say has been cast to the wayside. I'm sorry. I apologize to you and to myself. So, what's going to happen here is a distinct separation of church and state, if you will. For the present, I'm going to use this as a forum to spout daily blather and bilge and keep the serious stuff to myself until I feel it's worthy of your time. It will be good for me and eventually I'll be able to put stuff in here that you, as well as I, can get something out of... I hope.


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