
what am I listening to..?
Blade Fetish - "Mute"

well, that didn't take long...

did it? I went outside and there were no meteors to be seen, but it's really too early anyway, and those who know about such things have predicted a meager display, at best. So, I came in, whipped up a batch of muffins, did the dishes and here I am, once again, blogging away and listening to my music.
Christmas is an odd celebration, isn't it? If not odd, at least paradoxical. On the one hand, you have the celebration of the birth of Jesus, which, in the Judeo/Christian realm, is something to pay serious and humble homage to; the birth of the savior of all mankind. That's heady stuff. No beating around the bush, no mincing of ideology, just cut and dried live it or loose it. "Follow me or get left behind." In the grand scheme of things, building a religion around that precept is a win/win situation; there is no middle ground, no marginal devotion, no "let me think about it and get back to you" nonsense. Do it or don't. It's your choice. On the other hand, the secular celebration has taken off in directions most absurd. It's become a folly of bright lights, festive decorations, parties, gross spending and gluttonous want. It's become a parody, a distorted caricature of itself. It has evolved into a separate entity, moving ever further away from it's root in faith. Maybe there should be two Christmas celebrations; one for those who celebrate the religious event and one for those who celebrate the secular. Spread them out a bit, put a little distance between the two so no one is stepping on the other's toes. Either that, or make your choice; if you're of the Christian slant - bag the bullshit and get your faith back in order, or if you're into the socio/consumer/party vent of things, drop the "Christ" part and call it Spendmas, Buymas, Gimmemas or Fuckyoumas and get it over with and party on, Garth...
The other thing about this "holiday season" that mystifies me no end is the subconscious desire for self redemption; people think they're freaking Scrooge for some reason, that by diving head first into the "spirit" of things, they can absolve themselves of being assholes the rest of the year, heaping gifts upon those they pay scant attention to the remainder of the time, extending their hands and bellowing "Merry Christmas", "Season's Greetings" or what have you until they are out of breath and off they go on their merry way, feeling all swell and warm and good with themselves...
If you really believe it, you're supposed to try to be that way all year long, not just for a week or two in the dead of winter. I emphasize try because, from what I've been able to gather, if you try to be nice, if you try to be honest, if you try to be loving and peaceful and put your heart into it, you're at least on the path to doing it right - you're stopping to think about your words and deeds before you say them or do them... kind of like counting ten when you start to loose your temper.
Sorry, I'm kind of getting all fire and brimstone here, aren't I? No matter...
Maybe next time I'll tell you why I've been giving so much thought to the subject lately. Some of you might already know...
So, on that note, I'm going to go try one of my muffins with a cup of cranberry tea. I wish you the most heartfelt peace and truly Blessed be.


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