
i'm back...

I know, you're thrilled.
I went outside and, rather than smoking a cigarette, smoked a pipeful of some wonderful herbal smoking mixture that I obtained from the local herbalist. It is a mixture of interesting things that is based upon the traditional smoking mixture of the native americans of the plains, of which I am, partially, descended. I am one sixteenth Blackfoot. My father was one eighth Blackfoot. He looked it. I do not. I inherited the love of the natural world that seemed to escape him. I feel lucky for that. I wish he had known that spark. He might have wanted to live longer. I shall say no more.
Oh, shit, I think I'm going to try to get profound here. Sorry...
I think that, the older I get, the more I live within the Yin-Yang. I think that, without any influence on my behalf, I have come to realize that I need to appreciate the things I don't like, in order to further like the things I do. The need for balance is incredible, almost disturbing. I love the dark. However, I can't fully appreciate the dark without knowing what can be seen in the light. I love the quiet, but can't appreciate the quiet without knowing what the noise I hate is. I love letting my fantacies run amok, but the realities are what make them as special as they are. I stand still while I move, I run without moving. I think without thinking. I just am. I think that herbal smoking mixture does more than taste good.
I think I need to drop this subject...
I wish I had another bottle of wine. I wish I had Allan Rickman's wardrobe from the Harry Potter films. I wish I had something interesting to say...
I'm going to give it up, I think. Listen to some music. Sit in the light of a single candle and stare off into the darkness at the edge of the light... you can't imagine what dances there...
Sorry for boring you. Have a wonderful night.

pearls before swine...


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