
lunar eclipse tonight...

watch it with me... I will think of you...

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it..."
Yogi Berra, baseball player and philosopher.

Michael Meyers is one scary mofo...

we are having a green salad with grilled asparagus, hard boiled eggs, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and pepperoni for dinner tonight... Damn, go I live good or what?

"That's the thing I can't stand about Santa Clara... all the damned vampires..."
Grandpa, in "The Lost Boys".

I'll be right back, there's a cricket in the sink...
ok, one cricket extricated. they're a sign of good luck when they sing on your hearth, but not in your kitchen sink...

and, the Samhain approaches...

oh, and we might have a ghost. within the past few weeks, the Mrs. has been pushed in the back by someone who was not there and has been awakened by someone hitting her arm, rather hard from what she says... and, just this past weekend, something disappeared from in front of my eyes and when I turned away and turned back, there it was in plain view. a playful ghost, no doubt. I, for one, am not afraid of them, as they have been a mainstay of my family history and I've experienced their presence on many, many occasions, but the Mrs. is starting to get bit freaked out.
I refuse to burn any sage or work spells to get rid of him/she/them. I actually look forward to a face to face meeting sometime. You can't have enough friends...

time for dinner. I bid thee fair eve...

pearls before swine...


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