
piss and corruption...

it's the day after the day after Christmas and, while I have the day off, I don't feel like doing anything more constructive than playing at blog writing. My fucking teeth are killing me, I should have had the work needed completed before Christmas, rather than putting it off until after, and I'm paying for that decision now. I think I must chew too much around Christmas, which is understandable, since you can't go anywhere without having something wonderful to eat thrust in your general direction by good and merry souls. My teeth are also prey to abrupt changes in temperature, so going outside and taking a good breath of cold air has about the same effect as chewing on thumbtacks or shoving toothpicks into open wounds, as does drinking anything too warm or too cold, which is playing havoc with my need for alternating doses of hot, black coffee and cold beer/martinis/scotch on the rocks/Tom Collins'/bourbon and soda and any other of the usual "hey it's the holidays, I don't need an excuse to drink!" drinks... I have to drink most things through a straw to help the liquid bypass the blasted molars that are giving me the business - lower right first molar, upper left second from the last molar. Chewing anything with a consistancy any harder than over cooked pasta is not fun. I've been living on chunks of bagels dipped in lukewarm coffee for breakfast and sucking on pieces of cheese and such at other times of the day. Also taking half doses of prescription pain killers on a regular basis allows me to be somewhat numb and still function, if you could describe what I do during most waking hours of my life as functioning... I have an appointment scheduled with the dentist this Friday at noon, so maybe I'll have some relief for New Years Eve, even if he goes ahead with the planned extraction of the upper left one. I'd rather spend New Year's Eve stoned on pain killers and not able to drink or eat, knowing that I'll be better in a few days than not being able to enjoy myself because of pain. This part of my life sucks.

On a lighter note, we saw "A Series of Unfortunate Events" as our Christmas Eve movie. I was afraid that it was going to be the usual Jim Carey playing Jim Carey playing Jerry Lewis playing Jim Carey, but he suprised me, he was most entertaining and subdued. Maybe it was the makeup, which disguised all but his eyes, or maybe it was the story, which is quite dark and foreboding, but he pulled it off quite well. The movie itself was great, very dark and goth, the kids were all wonderful actors, including the little girl who played the baby sister. I can't imagine how they found a kid that age who could be so facially expressive and interested in what she was doing, what with all the goings on around her. Sets were wonderful, costumes were fantastic (very gothy, in an Addams Family way), the score was great, effects were just right. Go see it.

My, I do ramble on when medicated, don't I? Sorry. I think I'll go sit by the fire and listen to some music and read a book I downloaded from the Guttenburg Project site last night, "Three Men on The Bummel", by Jerome K. Jerome. I shall return...

pearls before swine...


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