
my brain hurts...

which is a warning signal that I need a vacation. Everything, and I mean everything is pissing me off. I actually lost my temper the other day, which is something that I'm not prone to doing. My perspective of life is very hazy right now, which is dangerous. I am in need of repair. Even the fair goddess, of whom I ask guidance every night when she shines so brilliantly in the dark sky, seems not to light my path so clearly these days. And music, which is at the very center of my spiritual being, fails to sustain me these days. I feel old and haggardly and used. My soul feels like old paper that would sooner crumble before it would even alight, should some flame touch it. I feel wretched. It's like having conquered some difficult mountain and, when standing on the summit, not feeling the exhilaration of the moment, but terror that the slightest breeze will blow me off the precipice to tumble to doom. It is not a good feeling.
I needs be gone to earth...
pearls before swine...


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