
welcome to Amerika...

so, let me see if I have this right; I will now need a passport to return to the country of my birth from our "friendly" neighborhood countries to the north and south... just to make sure that I'm not a middle aged, overweight, white male terrorist trying to sneak into the country to commit mayhem and ill deeds.
but the press is denouncing the efforts of American citizens who are volunteering their free time to spot people trying to enter the country illegally across the border with Mexico, alerting the US Border Patrol to take action, since the US government does not seem all that worried about it?
Sometimes I wonder if the real terrorists aren't already here, not having crept in under cover of darkness across a border, but freely and openly elected to high positions in our Federal and Local governments, by the unassuming citizens of their own country. I really, really wonder where the allegiance of some of our "leaders" lie...
pearls before swine...


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