
Old School Dead...

Well, as promised, here's a recap of last weekend on the set of Old School Dead...
no sleep; too much coffee; too much rain; missing skin on my knees, elbows and hands; massive bruises; an almost busted nose; makeup; more makeup; even more makeup; lots and lots of zombies wandering around; sitting around in makeup, killing time between shots, drinking coffee and shooting the breeze with other zombies; stumbling around in the dark, trying to walk like a zombie while trying not to break my neck; being constantly slathered with red colored corn syrup; having handfuls of my hair torn out because the corn syrup made it stick to everything and everyone; chewing on foam latex viscera; a sore throat from growling; not being able to see anything because I couldn't wear my glasses, although it helped with the "zombie stumble"; and this was only the end of the film... we still have to film our part in the beginning this January.
Here's some of the roller girls, me, the Bloodhound and Mighty Mike Saga on Sunday morning after wrapping it up.

Best weekend I've had in a long, long time...

pearls before swine...


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