
I've decided to be greedy...

and do something for myself for a change...
behold - my future woodworking shop!

I've been looking at plans for buildings for the past year and I keep coming back to this one. There's just something about it that I find soul-settling. It's pretty big, twelve by sixteen feet and will be a wonderful place to create things out of wood. I figure I can put it up for less than three thousand dollars, plus another thousand for heat, electricity and a small, through the wall air conditioner. The perfect place to lose myself in what is my second passion, next to gardening. The only modification I'm thinking of making is moving the double doors to the extreme right side and moving the single door to the back, so I can build a small roofed porch that faces the back woods so I can sit and relax. I figure I will start on it next spring, so I have a good seven months to bankroll the project. And, in order to make sure it doesn't get loaded with all my gardening gear, I will build this to hold all that stuff.

It's a perfect four by six feet and will just nestle into a corner of the yard that's just pining for something to be built there.
So, that's my plan and I'm sticking to it.
Wander on, friends, wander on...

wander with me...


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