

no, I didn't forget about it. When given the proper amount of thought in the proper perspective, anything I might have to say would be shallow in the face of it all. I will say one thing, though, and that is that we, as a nation, had better stop playing the blame game, stop poking sticks into each others cages, stop playing this unspeakable tragedy as a trump card in matters politic and start acting like a united people. That is the only way we can confront and repel the menace to our way of life. The radical Islamists have found our weak underbelly and are exploiting it and causing more harm than bombs or chemicals could ever do; this country is in the midst of a civil war, brought on by those who swore to uphold the laws of this land and protect it from all foes, within and with out. The left and the right politicos are wasting their time warring with each other, rather than taking a united stance against a very real, very determined and very, very capable adversary. Radical Islam is not blind to the fault of our own pride and they will continue to provoke us into beleaguered in-fighting, with no end in sight. It is time to act, not posture. A divided house will fall, and radical Islam has both the hammer and the wedge and they will strike until we are torn asunder. And then... who knows? I know I don't care to imagine...

wander with me...


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