
A Very Happy Equinox...

and a Very Merry Ostara to all my good and wonderful friends and fellow wanderers...
They say that, at this time of the rolling year, a young man's fancy turns to love... but being other than young, and being cut from a somewhat odd bolt, my thoughts this day have turned, for some unfathomable and best left undiscovered reason, to...

Lord Buckley...

clicky, clicky...

Maybe it's because of the recently passed Ides of March... I got The Lords rendition of Mark Antony's Funeral Oration from Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" in my head and can't get it out... maybe this will help purge it...
Read the Immortal Bard's original words here...
Then, be astounded by Lord Buckley's, the original hipster's version here...
You shall never be the same.

So, that being said, join me, in spirit, anyway, my dear fellow wanderers, tonight as I celebrate the onslaught of Spring... hope shall yet spring eternal...

wander with me...



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