
Very interesting...

I have a program installed on my PC that lets me see hidden URLs of visitors to this blog. I have been getting pinged by the US Treasury Department of late. Can't imagine what they find so fascinating here, other than my endless love the the Kenyan wetback squatter in the White House, although I thought all the ATF guys were transferred to the Department of Homeland Security... Maybe they're going to raid Stately Sad Old Goth Manor and shut down my home brewing operation, or they heard that I'm planning on trying to grow my own tobacco one of these days. Maybe they're worried because I have a mortgage I can afford, some investments that didn't tank when the Democrats engineered this hoax of a financial crisis or perhaps they're suspicious because I pay my fair share of income taxes. On time, too. That must be it. I can't be trusted because I pay my taxes. I guess it's a damned given that King Uppity will never ask me to be part of his merry pirate band now, I mean I actually pay my taxes. Or maybe it's some hot goth chick secretary who pops by on her lunch hour... yeah, I like that much better...

Touch me...



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