

I switched the body text font back to Courier. I really like the typewriter look. Courier is very open and clean and has a slight serif, which actually makes for easier reading then a sans-serif face. As a matter of fact, two faces, Bodoni and Bookman have consistently been judged as the easiest to read fonts for years. My preference is Bookman, it has a slight antique look about it and the carefully crafted serifs make combined consonants flow a bit more and the serif wrap on certain vowels, when carefully kerned, is something to behold. Yeah, I'm a font geek. Goes back to my teen years when I first started learning the printing trade. I worked on weekends for a stationary stationery shop, which was quite stationary, imprinting funeral cards, wedding invitations, raffle tickets and the like on an old, foot-pedal powered Chandler and Price letterpress and hand set all the type out of a California job case. Might be a skill that could come in handy in the coming post-obamalyptic world...

Touch me...

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