

The toilet seat has been repaired...
Nice set of hinges, too. They have adjustable tension so the lid and seat don't flop around or fall if you lose your grip. You can actually have them suspended in mid air, in a fanned out effect, like the petals of some strange flower. Gave the lid and seat a nice coat of paste wax while I was at it, too, although I'm wondering about the sanity of that right now. Some slipping and sliding to happen, I'm sure.
There's something almost religious about toilet seats, which were, I'm quite sure, a great revelation in the day of their invention...
"They will beat their swords into toilet seats and their spears into toilet paper holders. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they feel the chill of cold, hard porcelain against their skin anymore."
Chic Sale 1:29
And on that note, I think I should get back to work.

go ahead, make your day...



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