
it's only fuckin' rock and roll...

do you remember that night? i do...
back against the inside of the kitchen door, her arms wrapped around her drawn up legs, white and smooth skin peeking through the blown out knees of her jeans...
smiling, always smiling. long hair the color of just born rust, half in her face. smiling, always smiling. scroungy black high tops, a size too big. bright blue nail polish. violet eyes half closed as her head swayed slowly left and right to the beat... and she was smiling, always smiling...

just a creak in the hinges of the door of time... nothing special, just a moment. like one of those special sunrise sights that only you've seen, that you want to share with everyone, but would be lost for the telling.

i wore her like a badge of some secret society, one that only met in the dark of the moon and behind the veil of tell and die, not even a secret handshake between the known... we would slide and sidle in, under cover of night, exchange silly passwords, blow the froth off lurid tales, share a moment... then part. and it was always dangerous and good and we'd freeze at the sound of a floorboard squeak, look at each other sideways, laugh and end the chess game with a fling of the board, scattering kings and queens and all about. they were only real, we were the pieces, we were the played...

long, long ago, whales had wings and wanted to be birds, but the waters came and covered all and they went along with it and now they dance in the dark and the wet and look at us and roll their eyes...

the music ended and she opened wide those wild and violet eyes, and pulled the hair from her face with a finger and hooked it behind an ear, looked across the kitchen floor at me and laughed.
"it's late, i gotta go..."
i bit my bottom lip and nodded my head, closed my eyes for but a moment and she was gone...

wind that skims across the fields, what do you carry that makes the grain bow and sway so? do you chase the world or are you driven before the souls of those that were before, naked and chaste before the stars, knowing all and smiling, always smiling..?



Anonymous zoom said...

I love this...the mood, the words, the rhythm, everything.

9:37 PM  
Blogger Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

Clap, Clap, Clap.

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.... that, sir, was beautiful.....


9:55 PM  
Anonymous Jim - PRS said...


11:02 PM  
Anonymous Ms. D. said...

That is great imagery! I saw it all, I experienced all, I remembered it all, I felt it all, like a memory long faded, but so simple and sweet.

9:10 AM  

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