this is the end. I'm going to go live with the elves… I'm going to leave this here until I've gleaned some of the content that I want to save, then it's nighty-night. I started this in January of 2003, and was going strong until life overtook me in some respects and, out of sad necessity, this had to fall to the wayside. I've met some incredible people because of this blog, both on-line and in person. I'm grateful for that and appreciate all I've learned along the way as well. I have every intent of starting up another blog as I enter another phase of life, not sure of the subject matter yet, but definitely no politics, of that I'm quite sure. I'll post a link to the new blog when and if it happens. In the mean time, be well. Be kind, be helpful, be true. And remember, not all who wander are lost…
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