

Botox Nancy apparently doesn't want to have the muzzies from Gitmo housed on The Rock... no sense using an already existing secure facility when Murtha can dig millions out of our pockets to build one in his district, even though there seems to be local opposition to that plan, but I since he was re-elected, majority will probably rule, if it comes to that.
If these assholes weren't so dangerous, they'd be funny...

*Not In My Back Yard...

On the home front, I've spent the weekend filling nail holes, sanding, priming and finish painting the new living room baseboards. After that it's the I have to make the stops for the window sash and install them, then the cove moldings to trim the new sheet rock between the beams in the ceiling, then I can start the bookcase and the mantle. I'm hoping to be done by the end of February with all that, then it's the new shutters for the bottom half of the three double hung windows and the new ceiling fan and that should just about wrap it up. Oh, that and the final wiring of the radiant heating system under the floor. By the time I get that done, we probably won't need it. Well, back to the paint brush.

wander with me...



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