
A short lesson...

in modern American political history...


begat this...

Any fucking questions..?

wander with me...


wander with me...



you know what..?

fuck it. I'm done. It's been fun up till now, but now it's over.

Obama can go take a flying leap, along with everyone who voted for him. I hope you like your "hope and change", you deserve it.

If anyone wants to get in touch with me, use email. Other than that, don't waste your time coming around here any more, it's over.

Just a little song before I go...

gee, so soon..?

I haven't even started gathering information or posting anything about our new overlord, Obama, and already the hypocrites are on the warpath. I've been lambasted for my opinion by one Navelgazing Midwife who really is a midwife, someone that I would normally admire, helping bring new lives into the world in a natural and peaceful manner... but alas... so taken is she by the words that flow from the serpent's tongue, that the fact he advocates the murder of unborn innocents seems to have escaped her... I guess she's "mesmerized", as she said I will be once lord Obama spreads his wings above us all (see comments in the post below...), but, sorry, I will not be taken by his deceitful words. I have free will, unlike, apparently, so many others...
Isn't it odd that, for the last eight years, the liberals and the left have insulted President Bush, called him names, compared him to Hitler, accused him of being the root cause of every and any ill that this country has and yet, just one little post about how much I dislike Sir Smug and well, the sensitive crowd gets offended. TFB, friends. It's my turn, now.

wander with me...



how does it feel to be party to the end of America as we know it? How does it feel to know you've helped a liar, a cheat, an avowed Marxist, racist, Islam loving, America hating churl steal the office of the President of the United States? How does it feel to have a hand in the murder of thousands, maybe millions of unborn children, even those only weeks away from natural birth? How does it feel to reach into the pockets of hard working men and women, and distribute their money to the lazy, the ignorant and the greedy? How did it feel when you pulled that lever and sealed the fate of Israel? Was it fun to decide to elect a leader who will stifle free speech, take away your right to own a firearm, make is a criminal offense to say anything unflattering about Islam or Democrats, or blacks? How much fun was that, really? Will it still be as much fun when your boss comes to you in two years and tells you you're fired because he has to make a choice between letting you go and paying his increased taxes? Will you be smiling and laughing when you're sitting in line to buy ten dollar a gallon gas, or making the choice between feeding your family or keeping them warm? All for what? Hope? Change? You will soon get to find out what real hope is and how much you really want change. Those of you who helped this happen are the scum of this earth. You do not deserve to call yourselves Americans. You will learn just what the old saying "be careful what you wish for, because you might get it" really means.
The arrogant, self-serving, racist, lying, cheating empty suit who is being called the 44th President of the United States, will not be my president. I do not wish him luck. I did not, nor will I support him, nor the traitorous scum who inhabit Congress. I do not accept the decision that was made for me, not by me. I will do everything in my power to expose him for what he really is, to pursue any legal means to have him removed from office, or, even better, prevent him from ever stepping foot in that hallowed office, and should that fail, I shall devote myself to making sure he and his ilk will be deposed in a new, truly democratic election in 2012.
I will not be silenced, nor shall I endure this coming oppression. I am an American. He is not. Nor are those of you responsible for this. I no longer recognize you as fellow countrymen. You've chosen your side, now I'm telling you mine. If you don't like it, then go cry to your messiah for a free handout to make you feel better and leave me alone, I have work to do.

wander with me...



wander with me...



ass kicking...

Things are finally moving along again on the living room remodel... the first four pictures are the duct that was re-run to get some better heat into the back upstairs bedroom. I couldn't notch the beams, so I had to run it under them, then box it in. I actually got the first coat of spackle on it yesterday as well. Today I spent finishing installing the furring strips between the beams so I can start putting in the false ceiling between them. It worked out to almost forty, eight foot long two by two strips and about three pounds of decking screws. My freaking right wrist is killing me from fighting the drill while holding it over my head. The next few days should be fun.
Tomorrow I pick up the sheet rock and start fitting it. Once that's done, it's rock and roll on the walls and trim, then the radiant heating and the new oak flooring. I've been a bit worried about actually getting it done by Thanksgiving, but after today I'm feeling a bit better and will really feel good about it once the ceiling is done. I figure that's going to take all day tomorrow and Wednesday and probably into next weekend.
Well, I'm going to go grab a few slices of one of Mrs. SOG's fabulous home made pizzas and a few jars of Sam Adams Black Lager and kick it back for a while and watch some Sunday night football.
Pictures below.

wander with me...


hello..? anybody out there..?

Is it just me, or perhaps the overwhelming time and space devoted to the adoration of the new messiah in the media, or have the muzzies been very quite and out of sight lately? Are they poised for a mass afront if jug ears wins, or are they all getting ready to collectively shit their Kurdas if McCain wins? Either way, it's pretty spooky. They're still raising hell overseas, but it's been very, very quite here on the home front...

wander with me...


damn this clock changing bullshit...

When we switched to daylight savings time, it took my body clock a month to catch up. Now it's going the other way. I've been up since three thirty, clock time, but four thirty, body clock time. I'm getting too old for this shit. I guess I'll finish my coffee and get an early start on the living room, but I'll probably be asleep by dinner time... damn. Just damn...

wander with me...
