Tuesday, March 04, 2003

so, here's the deal...
I have a nasty hernia that needs to be fixed asap...
wheeeee! pain killers!!!
yippeeee! potential day or two off from work!!!
yahoooo! possible malpractice suit and large settlement if they fuck it up!!!!

I have to endure a colonoscopy to make sure there is no damage to my intestines in that particular area...
NO weightlifting until it is fixed and I am totally mended... so, I will have to play catch up so I can be buff for summer... right...
Everyone has to be extra nice to me until I am fixed so I don't suffer any emotional damage heaped upon the already
unbearable stress... ok, I gave it a shot... give me a fucking break already...

Doctor: "after it's fixed and we're sure there are no complications, you can go back to a normal active life..."
Me: "cool... does that mean I can have unlimited rough sex...???"
Doctor: "uh.. sure..."
Me: "great! can you hook me up with someone???"
Doctor: "get out..."

oh yeah, he said I should eat, even though there's the chance I will hurl it up later... a little food is better than none, so I'm going to go have some nice home made rice with soy beans and oriental veggies...
that ought to feel great on the way back up...