Monday, August 09, 2004

some facts...

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES
Vote to pass a joint resolution that would authorize the use of force against Iraq.

Senator John Forbes Kerry did not vote.
Vote to adopt the resolution that would condemn the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote to pass a joint resolution that would authorize the president to use all necessary and appropriate force against parties responsible in any way for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States.


Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote on an amendment to provide $27.14 million in humanitarian aid to Nicaraguan contras and establish procedures for congressional consideration of President Reagan's request of $16.5 million worth of stockpiled military aid to the contras.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote on a motion that would allow the Senate to reconsider an amendment that had been tabled [killed] in an earlier vote. The amendment would have reduced funding for the strategic defense intiatiave [SDI] or 'Star Wars' missile defense program from $4.5 billion to $3.8 billion for fiscal 1989. The difference of $700 million would go to NASA for the purpose of building a new space shuttle.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Discontinue production of B-2 bomber.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Cut $2,686,572,000 from the bill for production of additional B-2 stealth bombers, halting production of the B-2 fleet at 15 planes instead of the 20 planes requested by the administration.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Reduce the defense spending levels for smaller weapon projects by $8.8 billion in fiscal 1993.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Kill a proposal to terminate the Selective Service System.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Postpone the 1995 military base closing round until 1997.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Cut the Ballistic Missile Defense program from $3.4 billion to $3 billion.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Eliminate funding for Trident II submarine-launched missiles.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Cut $150 million for additional B-2 stealth bombers.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Amendment to take out program for loan guarantees for military equipment and weapons exports.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Vote to adopt the joint House-Senate conference report authorizing $265.6 billion for defense activities in fiscal year 1997.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote on an amendment to reduce the authorization for defense spending.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote on an amendment to reduce funding for a national missile defense program.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Vote to consider a bill to require the deployment of a national missile defense system by 2003.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote on an amendment to reduce 1997 defense budget authority in the bill by $8.3 billion.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Pass revised version of the defense authorization bill, after veto

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Vote on a bill disapproving President Clinton's line-item veto for 36 projects in the fiscal year 1998 Military Construction appropriations bill.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Vote on an amendment to require a report on costs and savings from past military base closings.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote on an amendment requiring the president to disclose yearly the total amount spent on intelligence funding.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Vote to pass a bill making unlawful the acquisition, transfer or use of any chemical or biological weapon, among other provisions.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Vote on an amendment to make it more difficult for the administration to close bases without Congressional approval, that have at least 225 civilian employees, and to prohibit closing bases within four years after realigning them.

Senator John Forbes Kerry did not vote.
Vote on final passage of a bill providing funds for defense spending in Fiscal Year 2000

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote to allow one round of military base closures beginning in 2001

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote to table [kill] an amendment that would require sanctions against China or other countries if they were found to be selling illicit weapons of mass destruction.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote to pass a joint resolution that would authorize the president to use all necessary and appropriate force against parties responsible in any way for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote to pass a joint resolution that would authorize the use of force against Iraq.

Senator John Forbes Kerry did not vote.
Vote to adopt of the conference report on the bill that would authorize for fiscal 2004, $401.3 billion for defense and national security spending.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Vote to pass a bill that would appropriate $86.5 billion in supplemental spending for military operations and reconstruction in Iraq and Afghanistan, in Fiscal 2004.

Senator John Forbes Kerry did not vote.
Vote to pass the bill that would authorize $400.5 billion in appropriations for defense, military construction and defense-related work for the Department of Energy

Senator John Forbes Kerry did not vote.
Vote to pass the bill that would appropriate $79.5 billion in fiscal 2003 discretionary spending for military operations in Iraq, homeland security, and international counterterrorism activities.

Foreign Aid and Policy Issues:

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Vote on the passage of a joint resolution to permit military force in Iraq under specific Congressional instructions.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Prohibit funding for U.S. military operations in Haiti without congressional authorization.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Reject a proposal to establish a congressional commission on Haiti.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Require the president to end the U.S. arms embargo of Bosnia.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Require the president to seek congressional authorization before ordering military action against Haiti.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote on resolution to restrict use of ground forces in Bosnia.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Pass bill to lift U.S. participation in Bosnian arms embargo, under certain conditions.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Final passage of bill to seek international sanctions and strengthen the U.S. embargo against Cuba

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted NO.
Vote on a resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the blockade of a U.S. ship in Canadian waters

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote on a motion to delete a ratification condition to the Chemical Weapons Convention treaty that would require that U.S. ratification be postponed until nations with offensive chemical weapons programs or nations determined to be state sponsors of terrorism ratify the Convention.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote on a motion to delete a ratification condition to the Chemical Weapons Convention treaty that would require that U.S. ratification be postponed until the Chemical Weapons Convention had been amended in two sections dealing with technology transfer of chemical activities and chemical weapon defenses.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote on a motion to delete a ratification condition to the Chemical Weapons Convention treaty that would require that U.S. ratification be postponed until Russia has met four conditions, including ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention and a commitment to cease all chemical weapons activity.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote on a motion to delete a ratification condition to the Chemical Weapons Convention treaty that would require that the president use rights provided under the treaty to ban inspectors from nations suspected of supporting international terrorism, or from nations that have violated U.S. nonproliferation laws in the last five years, and prevent such nationals from visiting the U.S. for purposes associated with the Chemical Weapons Convention.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote on a motion to delete a ratification condition to the Chemical Weapons Convention treaty that would require that U.S. ratification be postponed until the president certifies that treaty compliance is effectively verifiable by the U.S. intelligence community.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote to table an amendment that requires the President to decrease the number of U.S. troops stationed in Bosnia to 6,500 by February 2, 1999 and to 5,000 by October 1, 1999.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote to table an amendment to prevent further funding of U.S. ground troops in Bosnia unless Congress votes by March 31, 1999 to continue deployment.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote to pass a resolution calling on the United Nations to create a criminal tribunal to prosecute Saddam Hussein for crimes against humanity, genocide and other violations of international law.

Senator John Forbes Kerry voted YES.
Vote to pass a joint resolution that would authorize the use of force against Iraq.

In 1991 he voted against a bill that would allow military action against Iraq, then in 2002 and 2003 he voted for military action against Iraq... my, how the wind doth blow...

pearls before swine...

the terror meter is running...

I don't think that terrorists are going to waste time retrofitting limos or hijacking helicopters to stage the next attack...
they have a ready fleet of vehicles at their disposal...

these vehicles are, for the most part, invisible. they've become such a part of the scenery in every city in the country that you don't even notice them until you need one. and, who would think twice if you saw a taxi with a driver who appeared to be from another country? a thousand taxis, each carrying five hundred pounds of explosives, spread out across a major metropolitan area would do devastating damage.
I do not feel safe...
pearls before swine...