Tuesday, May 11, 2004

yeah, I know...

I'll touch it up a bit tomorrow. I'm tired. This has been a frustrating experience. If you use Blogger and hate their new system as much as I do, please drop them a line and let them know it. It was much easier to fire off a quick blog before. Now it's a chore. But I guess all the little teeny-boppers over in Live Journal and Journal Space will like the way the user interface looks. So much for demographics.

new look ...

minimalist content. no more doo-dads, guest maps, bullshit.
just content. and links. that's it. like it or leave it.

what am I listening to..?
insect noises in the night...

have I said...

how much I hate the new Blogger interface?

this sucks...

now all my comments are gone and my template won't accept blogger's new propietary comment code, so that's that.
I will let you know where Sad Old Goth... ends up, but it ain't gonna be here.

what am I listening to..?
my head hitting my monitor

one last attempt...

at posting with the new blogger interface. it ate three last night. if this doesn't work, blogger and i will soon part company.