Saturday, May 15, 2004

goth lobster...

built my trellis today. sometimes i amaze myself. no plans, just a quick sketch i did at the dining room table a week or so ago. got it all together and it looked like it was going to rain, so i brought it inside and gave it a coat of dark green paint. the lattice will be painted white. should look nice with morning glories and sweet potato vines climbing all over it.
also mowed all the grounds. it was very, very hot, so i took off my shirt. you know, you really can't feel how much you're baking when you're working like that... hence the title. sleeping should be interesting tonight. i wonder where my jar of aloe gel is...
pearls before swine...

Friday, May 14, 2004


after discovering, via the NASA website, that my home was located about forty miles too far east to actually see the ISS ecslipe Jupiter, I went outside anyway to have a look-see. Sure enough, right on time, the ISS gradually grew from a slight speck of light in the darkness to a bright, fast moving spot that was brighter than Jupiter itself, sailing across the darkened heavens in less than a minute before it started to fade and disappear. It was about a finger's width to the northeast of Jupiter. Quite a sight. Interesting to think that there's some folks up there, going round and round, while we scurry around like lost ants down here. I think I should like to try that before I go four-up. Seems like fun.
Downside of the evening was a field goal by the Lakers, with .004 to go, to beat the Spurs by one. Oh, well.
pearls before swine...

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Il Trovatore...

is on PBS tonight. One of my favorite operas. Hey! I just realized that PBS not only stands for Public Broadcasting System, it also stands for "pearls before swine"! Hmmmm.....
And, a special friend is posting some wonderful poetry on a new blog... please visit and encourage her to keep it up! Check out Dark Gothique.
pearls before swine...

it's hopeless...

trying to get my Haloscan comments service script to work with this template. I've tried everything. I wrote Haloscan for help, maybe they will be able to figure it out... maybe not.
I butchered the script until Blogger would recognize it. In doing so, I can access Haloscan's service and if you click on "pearls before swine", you can cast your jewels of wisdom before my worthless self. But I won't know you did it unless I check each post's comments everytime I sign on. Most inconvenient, what?
In the meantime, if you live on the Eastern Seaboard of the US, go outside to a dark area around nine thirty. Look for Jupiter. It should be in the southwest. At around nine thirty eight, if you are in just the right place, the ISS will eclipse the planet for a brief moment. Check out for more info.
have fun...
oh, yeah... have I mentioned that I think Blogger or Googger or Bloggle or whatever the fuck it is these days, really, really sucks?
pearls before swine...


this is starting to get a lot like teenaged sex... lots of activity, very little satisfaction.
I managed to restore my Haloscan comments, now named "pearls before swine...".
However, I had to delete a good portion of the script to get it to work. Please do me a favor and flood me with comments so I can see if it actually registers multilple outside comments.
thanks, you're swell.

pearls before swine...

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

ah, Marilyn...

you never cease to amaze me... and he shall amaze you, too, if you click here. Well, maybe not amaze you, but perhaps bewilder...
I have a list of what I consider the most interesting individuals that I would love to sit down to dinner with sometime and he is definitly near the top of that list. Who would you like to break bread with if you had the chance?

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

yeah, I know...

I'll touch it up a bit tomorrow. I'm tired. This has been a frustrating experience. If you use Blogger and hate their new system as much as I do, please drop them a line and let them know it. It was much easier to fire off a quick blog before. Now it's a chore. But I guess all the little teeny-boppers over in Live Journal and Journal Space will like the way the user interface looks. So much for demographics.

new look ...

minimalist content. no more doo-dads, guest maps, bullshit.
just content. and links. that's it. like it or leave it.

what am I listening to..?
insect noises in the night...

have I said...

how much I hate the new Blogger interface?

this sucks...

now all my comments are gone and my template won't accept blogger's new propietary comment code, so that's that.
I will let you know where Sad Old Goth... ends up, but it ain't gonna be here.

what am I listening to..?
my head hitting my monitor

one last attempt...

at posting with the new blogger interface. it ate three last night. if this doesn't work, blogger and i will soon part company.