
Roller Derby..!

if you missed the action last Sunday night at the She Devils season opener, "Heaven and Hell on Earth!", just click on the picture to see some great photos of the action, courtesy of our friend Whacks!

That's Candi KaBOOM! taking out Classy Chassis with a hard right cross!
Make sure y'all get your butts out for the next one!
what say you..?


I'm all nerves...

I've been pacing the halls of Stately Sad Old Goth Manor all morning. The premier bout of the Penn Jersey She Devils Roller Derby League kicks off at seven tonight! I hope we pull this off and everyone has a good time. We've been waiting for this moment for two years and right now I wish it was already over with. Full report tomorrow. Wish us luck.
what say you..?


I wonder...

what I shall be when I grow up...

(see, it's happening... I keep coming back here and posting stuff... I knew this was going to happen...

what say you..?


A Blessed Ostara...

to all my fellow wanderers, and a Merry Equinox to one and all!
what say you..?


toad inflating moment...

I'm really, really trying to take a break from here, but a got an email from SondraKinforming me that one of my little photoshop thingys made FreeRepublic.com !!!
Scroll down till you see my version of The Little Mermaid statue in Denmark a la Cindy "It's All About MEEEEEEE!" Sheehan.
Now I'm going back into hiding.
what say you..?



that last post is going to be my last post for a while. I've been getting far too cheerful lately, it's ruining my image. I think it might have to do with the nice weather we've been having or it might be my reacting to the stress of trying to pull off the first She Devils roller derby match in just over a week. Either way, I need a break. Check out the She Devils blog page and the new web page (www.shedevilsrollerderby.com) for updates on what's going on in that corner of the world, and check out the group effort "Searching for Somewhere Warm" (click the name in the sidebar to go there), which is a blog some of us dark kin have started, sort of catch-as-catch-can testing ground for literary musings and such, I might throw something in there once in a while. I'll probably be back before I want to, but I'm going to try to take a break until the 27th.
See you then.

what say you..?

what happens...

when some of the Penn Jersey She Devils take over the ring at a wrestling event..?


what say you..?


the world of Roller Derby...

is, sadly, a little less today...

Roller derby queen Ann Calvello dies after cancer bout
By Sandra Gonzales and Rodney Foo
Mercury News

Ann Calvello, a grand doyenne of roller derby whose outrageously dyed hair and brawling spirit made her a Bay Area icon, died Tuesday (3/14/06) in a Peninsula hospital after a brief battle with cancer.

She was 76.

Calvello had been diagnosed with liver cancer just a week ago and had been given four to six months to live, said Bill Prieto, Calvello's life partner of 30 years.

``I'm just in shock. I don't know what to say,'' he said Tuesday night from the San Bruno home they shared. ``She didn't even last a week.''

Prieto said he took Calvello to the emergency room Tuesday after she complained of pain. She died about 3 p.m. at the hospital.

Calvello enjoyed fame as a star on the San Francisco Bay Bombers after helping introduce the rough-and-tumble spectator sport to the country decades ago. Calvello joined her first roller derby team in 1948 when she was only 18.

Her looks earned her the nickname ``Banana Nose,'' and she quickly garnered a reputation as a bad girl because of her splashy clothing and hair color that ranged from purple to green and even polka dots.

Roller derby, a phenomenon that reached its zenith in the 1970s, matched teams of men and women on a banked-track oval where choreographed moves and knockdown brawls were the rule.

Calvello, who also skated professionally in Philadelphia and New Jersey, later was signed to the U.S. team and traveled throughout the world. She became an international legend, packing arenas and dazzling television audiences, at one point earning the moniker Roller Derby Queen.

Calvello continued to entertain crowds even in her later years, skating in charity events well into her 60s. And her influence on the sport still looms large. Teams in a women-only league in Austin compete annually for the Calvello Cup.

Carol ``Peanuts'' Meyers Roman, a former member of the Bombers, remembered getting into a fight with her old teammate on the track. The fight continued in the dressing room.

``She came at me and grabbed me around the waist and head'' and soon equipment was flying around the room, Roman said.

Roman, who was soon to be married, got 17 stitches in her scalp.

The fiery Calvello, who always got the last word, labeled Roman ``Frankenstein's bride.'' Then she volunteered to stand in for Roman as the bride.

She loved the give-and-take of roller derby and was always quick with a jibe, whether kidding about trackside broadcaster Walt Harris' toupee or Jerry Seltzer's attire, hanging the sobriquet of ``Drip Dry'' on the game's impresario.

``Annie would say, `Jerry, as much money as you have, you should buy a better suit than a drip and dry,' '' Roman said. ``That was Annie, she had a name for everybody.''

Roman said Calvello's unbridled wit and mouth kept Harris on his toes during interviews with her.

``It was hard for him to relax with Annie,'' she said. ``He never knew what she was going to say.''

Harris described Calvello as a larger-than-life figure worthy of a book. In 2001, Calvello was the subject of a biographical documentary, ``Demon of the Derby.''

Ever the iconoclast, Calvello was something of a loner to her teammates outside the rink.

``I wasn't one of those who hung around the skaters,'' she told the Mercury News in February. ``I'd go down to North Beach.''

what say you..?

this works for me...

The Meaning of Life, as told by a cat...

what say you..?


1 down..!

Rutgers beats Penn State 76 - 71 in the NIT opener!
Go RU!
what say you..?


it rocks...

it's Sunday morning and we're having a THUNDERSTORM !!! I love it! When I was a little, tiny goth, my mother used to tell me that thunder was the sound of giants rolling potatoes... these days I know it's caused by the collision of cold and warm air fronts, causing upwardly spiraling air currents to carry the rain and ice upwards, causing them to pick up a positive charge, which, in turn, causes the clouds and surrounding air to pick up the same positive charge, until it reaches a point in space and time where it needs to discharge, either to another cloud with a negative charge, or, more likely, to the earth or some earthbound object laden with negative ions, causing lightning, which is nothing more than a big, big spark. When that spark happens, it heats up the air surrounding it to over ten thousand degrees, causing it to blow outward at over the speed of sound, causing a mini sonic boom, which is the thunder you hear. The rumbling effect is that sound wave bouncing off the clouds, hills and other objects.
Whew. That took a lot out of me. And knowing all of that sort of takes the wonder out of thunder, doesn't it? It's much more fun to believe it really is the sound of giants rolling potatoes.
what say you..?
image above is "Giant" by N.C. Wyeth. If you click on the picture, you will go to the Brandywine Museum site, where you can buy a copy of the print!


blog break...

it's almost seventy degrees out there. I've been spending the morning trying to clean up the ground of Stately Sad Old Goth Manor, as winter left quite a mess of fallen branches, wind-blown garbage and other unsavory stuff all over. I spent an hour manicuring the hedges and shubberies with my latest toy, a gas powered hedge trimmer. It makes quick work of it, for sure. Then I spent two more hours raking and hauling the trimmings and other stuff out to the brush pile in the back forty. Now I'm taking a blog/lunch break before I go out and attack the perennial bed by the kitchen and the iris beds. The irises are already about six inches tall and the daffodils are springing up all over the place. It's a great time of year.
what say you..?



Punk Kittens..!


bat hugs to Antisocialite!

what say you..?


Future shock...

- Borgback Planet -

what say you..?


day is done...

well, almost. Did the shopping early this morning, did the laundry, aired out the bedspread, cleaned the house, watched some basketball and now it's time to relax. It's that time of the rolling year when the sun is moving further north and the orange light of it's setting now comes in the front windows of the parlor and the dining hall, bathing the manor in that hue that I love so much. Sheba the Hound from Heck is fast asleep, curled up in her bed by the parlor stove; the cats are snoozing here and there - on the sofa, in the bay window and the upstairs landing. The manor is quiet, except for the classical music wafting in from the dining hall and my pecking on the keyboard. The candles are all alight, ready for the inevitable approaching dark. It's taking a little longer to get dark these days, the twilight hangs on just a little longer now. Instead of the day going down to dark in that sudden dying of the light, it now fights back a bit, rallying against the night, throwing up a battle bathed in the colors of it's warrior standards; orange, then blue, then deep deep violet, before it, too, succumbs to the holy dark. Then, like a tired warrior on the field of honor, it retreats, knowing that it will, through virtue and valor, be back to fight the night with the coming of the new day.
Now, it's time to put away the tasks of the day, to settle into the comfy chair, with book and glass and candle, to recount the moments of the day, to think of the day ahead, to be with one's self and those you love and who love you. And, so it is I shall spend the evening, until sleep overtakes me and dreams weave the fabric of my sleep. I will wrap myself in that sometimes sometime soft, sometimes coarse cloak of dreams and wander anew in that world that I know only in my dreams, where I can stand free in the fields of the Nephilim, or lay beside the running waters, graced with tunes from the pipes of Pan. Dreams are, alas, that door through which we may visit our past, not our personal past, but our human past, when we were one with the gods and the goddess. I am never afraid to dream...
And so, as night comes full on, I bid thee a fine and hallowed eve, my fellow wanderers. Fare thee well.
what say you..?


if you wanna go...

you gotta let me know asap! tickets are already selling out!

what say you..?



but just had to share... click the pic to see what I ordered this morning...
perfect for summer whilst manning the grill.

Time for lunch now... I'll repent later.
what say you..?


last picture...

for a while, I swear. I just couldn't resist.

Real bloggy content soon. I'm lazy goth these days...
what say you..?