
We do yet turn...

another page...
I shall not wax nostalgic for the year about to end, for it was full of things that I will not mourn the passing of. I am determined to look but forward, as the past is what it is, and the future is what we will make of it. While troubles may still be as a specter in the coming year, we need not dwell on what might happen, as things outside of the realm of our influence will happen as they may, and we need turn our efforts toward making our own small part of life in this mortal coil as important as it really is, to remember to listen within before speaking out, to reflect upon our own way before we admonish others for theirs, to seek out peace and understanding and harmony in all things. Forswear self rightness, be humble and above all, remain in awe of this precious gift of life, for it is as fleeting as time itself and should not be wasted in hate, nor in folly. As cruel as it might seem, there are those who are not worthy of your time or concern; they are but defilers of the good faith of mankind, and spew vile froth to please themselves and the unknowing masses that follow them, they present themselves as prophets, but are the most lost of all. Seek truth, always. Be not proud. Revel in the simple wonder of yourself, celebrate the unique you, always, and follow not the crowd. Hear, don't just listen. And, above all, to yourself always be the most truthful.
It is my most heartfelt wish to you all that you find your own peace in the time ahead.

pearls before swine...



I got an iPod Nano from Santa Claus!
pearls before swine...


all done...

with wrapping of presents. all done with running around. just have to pick up some things to put in the stockings for Sheba the Hound from Heck and Tiger the Cat in the morning. Stop by Foodtown to wish my friends behind the deli counter a merry one, then off to the annual Christmas Eve movie with my daughters. What started out as a way to distract our oldest daughter and get her tired on Christmas Eve when she was three has turned into one of those "can't miss" events. I've taken the girls to the movies every Christmas Eve for twenty one years. We've gone from Disney classics to dramas, to science fiction to what have you, over the years. It doesn't matter what we go see, it's a chance to just spend some fun time with them. I look forward to it every year with the same anticipation I looked forward to Christmas when I was a kid.
Even though Christmas has taken on a secular meaning for me over the years, as I've moved away from the Christian aspects of the day, it's still a thrilling event. It's a time to put away the cares, the differences and the troubles of one's life and wallow in the love and fellowship that the season demands. And, in the spirit of the day, it really is all in the giving. That being said, I would like to thank all of my friends, and I consider all of you my friends, that take a few minutes out of your lives now and then to visit this crazy blog. To my fellow Jersey bloggers, a lot of whom I've actually had a chance to meet, thanks for your fellowship and respect. To those of you who I will probably never get a chance to meet, other than through your comments or by visiting your own blogs, thanks for your kind words, thanks for your debates and most of all, thanks for allowing me into your worlds. I've been graced with the chance to interact with good people from all over this little world of ours and all over this great country and it means a lot to me. Again, thank you.
I hope that, in whatever manner you celebrate this special time of the rolling year, that you find yourself among friends and those you love. And, to those far away from home, who serve the great cause of freedom and liberty, a special thank you.
I'm going to take a few days off and enjoy these days of love and kinship, so I'll catch you later. May you all be as blessed as I am.
pearls before swine...

Thank you...

pearls before swine...


Oh. My. Goth...

Even my black old heart can't resist this stuff...

Hop on over to Cute Overload for more baby bunny, cute otter, cuddly kitten, perky puppy cuteness, so you, too can feel all warm and fuzzy and un-goth like. Oh, go ahead. You need it. Really... You'll thank me in the morning...
pearls before swine...


last minute...

Christmas Gift for the true American Mountain Man on your list...

Cabela's, the world's greatest sporting goods supply and outfitters company, is offering this Bridger Mountain Man Coyote Fur Hat, sure to please the wild man in your life, and piss off every PETA idiot within a hundred miles. Fuckin' rocks, huh?
And, for a limited time only, I'm pleased to offer my own version, the "Oh, Poor Me, How Long Have I Suffered and Where the Hell Is The Media Today?" model...

Perfect for the true American Patriot in your life. Comes complete with bright yellow stripe down the back (naturally it's left of center...) and trophy head mounted in mid-wail... Sorry, only one available. Well, not really sorry there's only one available, one is quite enough...
(My apologies to Cabela's, if it matters, but I don't they they'd be offended... )
And a very Happy Solstice to one and all, and to all a good night..!
pearls before swine...



Yet Another Goth Test

Found this one whilst visiting Dex...
Now, how do you suppose they knew that...?

pearls before swine...

good riddance...

So, the self proclaimed "king of all media" is bailing out of the only slightly lucrative free radio market and leading his following of lowlife listeners into the Elysian Fields of pay to listen radio. I'll give him credit... he was fading into a well deserved obscurity and, using the so call "repression" of his free speech as motive, he will continue to bellow his swill and line his pockets with even more cash, thanks to the great unwashed who hang on his every word... they deserve the fleecing they are about to receive. All I can say is that it's a relief that I won't accidentally stumble upon his vile nonsense when I spin my free radio dial.
Oh, and just in case you missed it, that's a picture from his "farewell" extravaganza in NYC today. Note the rather natty overcoat, complete with fascist inspired symbol in the armband... sort of retro, don't you think? Say, 1939 Germany...
So long, asshole.
pearls before swine...


pearls before swine...


something to read...

on a Sunday morning...
A doff of the topper to Curmudgeonly and Skeptical...
here comes the bull...



The events that shape the psyche of a nation are only fleeting moments in it's history, yet the impact is profound. It is not the attack on the people that has this effect, but the attack on their ideals, their beliefs, their most sacred holdings that stirs them to rise as one and smite those who dare to do these deeds.
In 1941, the call to battle might of had a little more to it than it seems to have now. I wonder if the smoke from 12/7/1941 has ever really cleared from the minds of those who use that dreadful day as the rally cry to call the brave to arms this day, or is the vision of who and what we are still clouded by that oily pall that hung in the air, obscuring the view, sickening the senses..? Have those ideals, beliefs and sacred holdings been replaced by blatant pride?
This is a day to reflect on those who lost their lives on that sunny Sunday in 1941. It should also be a day to reflect on whether or not the price paid by those who followed has been squandered. December 7th should not only be noted as Pearl Harbor day, it should be touted as Look In The Mirror Day... with eyes open.

pearls before swine...