

pearls before swine...


I guess...

that it's just all about Cindy, in Cindy's mind...
It's too bad. She had the more than perfect reason and a damn good forum to get her word out and turned it into a farce. I don't disagree with her message, but I've always questioned her motives. Maybe if she didn't align herself politically, she would have had much more effect on things. Maybe not. We'll never know, because she wasted the opportunity.
pearls before swine...


you know...

I'd have a little more sympathy for Cindy Sheehan if joining the military wasn't her son's choice. He also re-enlisted by choice. He obviously thought that what he was doing was right and just. Too bad she doesn't honor his beliefs. I've yet to hear her or any of her cronies offer any suggestions to keeping our country safe from repeated terror strikes. I've yet heard her or any of her cronies offer up any sympathy for the three thousand plus that died on 9/11. I've yet to hear anything about the near one million that died under the hand of Hussein's alone, yet any of those who have been murdered in Israel, Lebanon, China, North Korea, Bolivia, Brazil, Ghana, Dufar, London, Madrid. Maybe she should read what her fellow Americans have to say about the supreme sacrifice her son, Casey, made in the name of preserving the very liberties she takes advantage of to spout her nonsense.
Of course, soon the "limousine left" will find another mouthpiece once her fifteen minutes of fame is up. Do you think she realizes how she is being used? Or is she too wrapped up in her "grief" to see it? She would do better spending her time and energy helping other families cope with their similar loss, regardless of their political standing, than marching for the cameras with media whores like Jackson and Sharpton. She sure seems to be having a grand time, doesn't she? For someone who has suffered such a great loss, and believe me, she has, she's taking it rather well. I really don't understand...
pearls before swine...

"Oh, bother..."

separated at birth..? you decide...
at least it's nice to know they're on par philosophically...
pearls before swine...


I'm impolite...

I neglected to tell you who that was performing in the last post. That was Jason Molina and The Magnolia Electric Company, a derivative of Songs:OHIA, and the cut was Farewell Transmission. Cool stuff, huh?
Here's another one! Man, are you gonna get sick of this or what?
OK, turn off the lights, light a candle... no, wait a minute, light the candle first, then turn off the lights, sit back with a nice glass of claret and listen to this:

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This is a really great darkwave/ethereal band named Frolic, and it is on their Permafrost CD. Very cool stuff for just a guy and his girl making music in their home studio, huh?
You can find more of their stuff at Projekt.
Dinner awaits.
pearls before swine...

oh, thanks a lot, Sluggo...

just what I need, another toy to play with! Actually, this freakin' rocks. Now, can I not only assail you with my relentless drivel, I can force my musical tastes on you! MWAAAHAHAHA! Listen and suffer along with me as I drag you deeper into the depths of musical depression and aural torment! Shudder and quake at the inhuman sounds that emanate from your speakers! Wail along with me to the plaintive strains of soul wrenching laments!
Well, maybe it's not going to be all that bad. Actually, you might be surprised at what you hear. Anyway, thanks to Sluggo again for turning me on to this. Have fun.

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In my office, we jokingly refer to Jason Molina's stuff as "suicide music". It's more like a musical flame in the night that draws that sullen little moth of your soul to it's beauty and then crisps you in mid-flight and laughs while you spiral down into the darkness. It also inspires insipid attempts at describing it. I'll shut up. You listen and decide.
pearls before swine...


on a more serious note...

I would like to put aside the differences of the day and wish all a very merry equinox.

pearls before swine...

anti-war activist...

and all-around swell and sane mom, Cindy Sheehan...

leads her fellow protestors into Washington D.C. for Saturday's anti-war event at...
Hey, wait a minute! That's a picture of a herd of sheep with an ass in the middle..! Now how did that get in there..?
Well, I never...
pearls before swine...



Those damned flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz got nothin' on this horror...

How'd you like to look out your window and that thing hovering around?
Brings the term "moonbatŪ" to a scary new level, huh?
pearls before swine...


it never ends...

President Bush was again taken to task by the usual liberal bleaters for being the cause of an over-abundant pumpkin harvest this season, which caused this Vermont farmer to endure being trapped in his house for over a week, having to subsist on vanilla wafers and maple syrup. After rescue workers were able to carve their way through the hoard of malevolent gourds, the liberated farmer immediately went into town and looted the general store, making away with a new tractor seat and two tins of bag balm... film at eleven...
pearls before swine...


bang a gong... softly...

Marc Bolan, left us this day in 1977...
pearls before swine...



ain't this fun... Remind me not to go to Newark, NJ for a while...
pearls before swine...


they say the difference...

between men and boys is the size of their toys...
The BBC News reported this morning that the Pakistani Army raided a "major" al-Qaeda hideout, killing and capturing many, along with confiscating arms, training materials and this very "sophisticated remote controlled spy plane", apparently sold to al-Qaeda by the Chinese...

Just for comparison, here's a snapshot of the US Air Force Radio Control Plane Club with one of their toys...

This is why we will always, always win...
Damn, now I know why I sleep so well at night...

pearls before swine...


dare to dream...

if Goths ruled the world...
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words cannot express the feelings of this day. On this day, there is no Left, no Right, no Liberal, no Conservative, only Americans. What we stand for, what we've fought for, what we've worked so hard to build for over two hundred years, stands in the face of it. We will be what we will be, and we will revel in it.
pearls before swine...



The MoonBatsŪ are leaving New Orleans in droves and heading to the great state of Oregon, where they are no doubt going to rally againt President Bush for being behind the latest disaster in the making!
Read All About It..! WHEEEEEEEE!
pearls before swine...

Amerika unravels...

Chapter 22...
Another whiner. heard from...
You just can't do anything to satisfy some people, can you? I don't care which side of the fence you currently reside on, (or who you voted for) if you don't appreciate what's being done for these people under grave circumstances, or at least the attempt, shut the fuck up and go try being a refugee/evacuee/displaced person as the result of a similar disaster in China/Eastern Europe/Iran and see what you get for your troubles. Probably be bitching about the quality of the plastic tarp you're trying to not freeze to death under and the lack of good seasoning on the roasted rat you just stole from your neighbor, all the while trying to keep an eye on your teenaged daughter so she doesn't get hauled off and raped to death by the local constabulary.
Of course, when it's possible, these people will be able to go back home and, if their houses are still standing (which I honestly hope they are, I wouldn't wish that on anyone), they will be able to move back in - they won't find it taken over by the military or the current ruling ethnic group...
Grow the fuck up.
I find it humorous that, at the top of the linked web page, under the name, it says "deny ignorance". To bad it doesn't say anything about not spreading it.

pearls before swine...


well, now...

here ya go...
pearls before swine...

sensible shoes...

This is what it's all about... while supporters off both sides play the bitch and moan game, these guys bury the hatchet once again and get stuff done.
Doesn't change my opinion of either one of them, but this is how it needs to be.
pearls before swine...


I am not a Republican...

I am an Amerikan. I am also sick to my stomach listening to all the moaning and groaning about how all the ills of The United States and the world should be dumped at the feet of President Bush. Those who are so ready to point their fingers need to educate themselves a little more before they spout off.
I am done with this. There will never be a resolution. All I can say to those who are doing all the wailing, is be careful what you wish for, you might get it.
The rest of my posts this weekend will be concerning kittens and puppies. And maybe pancakes.

pearls before swine...


if I may...

I'd like to expand and expound on this post from Parkway Rest Stop;
The bleating of the sheep has gotten so loud they can barely hear themselves over one another... and they bleat like sheep, because the are just that - sheep. They follow each other to and fro, bleating out their laments over anything that upsets the fantasy world they live in... everything and anything they can possibly tie to President Bush, be it hurricanes, gas prices, falling skyscrapers, what have you, off they go, scurrying off to the next rally to bleat some more. They sicken me. I despise them so deeply that it borders on the hate which I will not allow to surface, lest I become one of them. They cry injustice, yet where were they when their leaders, whom they hold so hallowed, set the ground work for our current condition by not passing the environmental laws that these poor lambs claim would have kept us from the condition we face now. They cry, "shame, oh, where, where was Bush when all this tragedy on our Southern shores was unfolding? Surely he should have been doing something! Why was he at his ranch? Where was our Government?" I'm sure President Bush was using the seclusion of his ranch home to do more behind the scenes than they could even imagine to set things in motion. At least he wasn't in the Oval Office with his dick in some intern's mouth... where are the wailing mobs protesting that ultimate desecration of the publics highest office? Probably milling about in the same pen that their parents were in when they didn't utter a baaaa when good old Uncle Teddy has his little watery mishap. When one of their own is involved, there's nary a sound. They hold their shepherds most high. They are blind to reality. They are deaf from listening to their own wailing. And yet, they do serve a purpose; they give the rest of us who dwell in the real a point of reference, as well as fodder for the mill of the ridiculous.
There are many, many things wrong in the United States of America right now, more than hurricanes or flooding or gas prices. One of the biggest wrongs is that many believe in the idea of a huge government, a government that will be there to right their wrongs, pick them up when they fall. A government that will make sure that everyone is the same, no one will suffer the indignities of being an individual, a government that will be their eyes and their ears and their tongues. That is what they want. A government that will be in total control, so all will be right in their little castrated world... maybe they didn't see that wall being torn down in Berlin a few years back. It wasn't the folks living under the repression of a free society that were trying to break into the East, friends.
Grow the fuck up, you idiots. Stop holding your hands to your head whilst you wail. Put your hands to better use. Help you fellow Americans in need. Do something constructive for once in your life. Then you can go drink your fucking Kool-Aid for all I care.
Oh, before you ask what I'm doing to help, I'll be washing cars all day Sunday with my roller derby league to raise money for the American Red Cross and the Humane Society of the United States for hurricane relief. What are you going to be doing to help?
I feel much better now.

pearls before swine...