
rock on...

Went to see Dee Snyder's "Van Helsing's Curse" last night. Third row orchestra! Really great gig, see it if you can. Also got to watch the early show from back stage, what a treat that was! Thanks, Dave!
Also played taxi driver for Sid Haig, who was the guest announcer for the night.
I love this life.
Gotta run. Baking witch finger cookies for the roller derby Halloween party tomorrow.
long night ahead!
have a happy halloween!
Happy New Year to my wiccan friends.

pearls before swine...


Old School Dead...

Well, as promised, here's a recap of last weekend on the set of Old School Dead...
no sleep; too much coffee; too much rain; missing skin on my knees, elbows and hands; massive bruises; an almost busted nose; makeup; more makeup; even more makeup; lots and lots of zombies wandering around; sitting around in makeup, killing time between shots, drinking coffee and shooting the breeze with other zombies; stumbling around in the dark, trying to walk like a zombie while trying not to break my neck; being constantly slathered with red colored corn syrup; having handfuls of my hair torn out because the corn syrup made it stick to everything and everyone; chewing on foam latex viscera; a sore throat from growling; not being able to see anything because I couldn't wear my glasses, although it helped with the "zombie stumble"; and this was only the end of the film... we still have to film our part in the beginning this January.
Here's some of the roller girls, me, the Bloodhound and Mighty Mike Saga on Sunday morning after wrapping it up.

Best weekend I've had in a long, long time...

pearls before swine...



This certainly doesn't bode well... but at least it's colorful... it was gleaned from the NWS/Mount Holly site...
I think I'm going to go batten down the hatches and wait for tomorrow to post about filming this weekend, but suffice it to say, it was one of the more interesting experiences I've ever endured... pictures as well, providing that they're not too embarrassing.
Stay dry and stay safe.
pearls before swine...



here we go again...
this kid isn't a Goth, he's a fucking psycho...
anyone who behaved like that on a regular basis is just plain old fucked in the head. Wearing black clothes is one thing; carrying around a book about Satanism and dancing around a chalk drawing of a pentagram in the school parking lot is another...
Hello, parents... where the hell were you when this was going on? What the fuck.
this is the kind of crap reporting that makes my black blood boil...
pearls before swine...



I've been busy as the Dickens the past week... (gotta look up the origin of that one someday)
That was the wonderful character actor, Grady Sutton, in the last post, props to my bro Doug for coming up with the correct answer!
Let's see, what's been going on...
Got a new toy, a Bosch 1854AVS jig saw. Killer. Hours of fun planned for that thing.
Suffered through the deluge of last week, the leak in the bathroom ceiling is giving me fits, I can't find where it's coming from... I'm going to rip off the flat pitched roof in the spring and put on a gable roof, maybe that will fix it once and for all.
Heading to the wilds of Pennsylvania this weekend to the set of the zombie movie I'm in to do the outside shots that will be the end of the film, the inside stuff will start filming in January, with a premire date set for May. Picture to follow!
Lots of roller derby stuff going on, our first closed scrimmage is this coming Monday, sort of a dress rehersal for the upcoming exhibition matches later this year, if all goes well.
Going to see the rock opera "Van Helsing's Curse" next weekend, a Dee Snyder production. Can't wait!
Roller Derby Halloween party at the rink on the 30th!
Then, a two week marathon of finishing up the kitchen counter tops, putting in the new sink, fixtures and plumbing, the new trim around the door going into the dining room, so it's all ready to go for Thanksgiving!
Here's some cool Halloween stuff for your desktop. Just copy them and tile them for the full effect!

Have fun, be back on Monday with tales of zombies in the woods!

pearls before swine...


Ok, my turn...

Jim at PRS inspired me...
who knows who this is? I'll give you a few hints... he appeared in over two hundred movies; the last movie he appeared in was "Rock and Roll High School"; this picture is a still from a movie he was in with W.C. Fields. Not yet, huh? How about this line from the same movie: "...beer flowing over your Grandmother's paisley shawl..."
Answer tomorrow.
pearls before swine...


Emeril LaGothy...

It's that time of the rolling year, when your favorite dark chef rises once again from the dungeons of Stately Sad Old Goth Manor, to haunt the scullery and dining hall with creations to test the palates of those who inhabit the mortal coil...
Tonight's repast - pan grilled portabello mushroom caps, which were marinated in extra virgin olive oil, aged balsamic vinegar and a dash of soy sauce, served over a bed of cous-cous, diced tomatoes and vidalia onion, and, on the side, thinly sliced rounds of Portugese bread, fried in the reduced marinade, all washed down with frosty pint glasses of Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale. Ahhh, a great way to celebrate my return to the kitchen. I do so love to cook. Can the famous soups be far behind..?
pearls before swine...


is this the future...

of healthcare in Amerika?

When the President of the United States holds a news conference and announces that "in the event of an outbreak of Avian flu" the military might be called upon to quarantine a portion of the population, it smacks less of a "what if" statement than a warning. You don't go making statements with this sort of flip out factor attached, unless something is already brewing and you need to start easing everyone into it. The potential for this actually happening is much more frightening to me than the prospect of another terror attack. Maybe we need to start screening those who travel into the US from abroad a bit better, like China did with the SARS situation a few years ago and protect ourselves that way, rather than letting people and goods from an infected part of the world stroll in casually as they do now. That might be a better tact than isolating huge portions of our own population to control any incidents of infection. I'm beginning to sometimes wonder if King George really has our best interests in mind...

pearls before swine...


it's Quiz Time..!

Hey, I don't want you to sit around and get bored! Let's have some fun!
Ok, now, who can spot the braying ass CBS commentator..?

Nope! Now, try again!

There ya go! Why it's Andy Rooney..!!!
Sorry, no prizes, but at least you were amused for a minute... I mean, after all, if CBS actually still pays this asshole to sit there and spout his crap, he must be amusing! Of course, CBS is the same network that brought you Dan Rather, now that I think of it...
Maybe it's time to turn ol' Andy out to pasture, too, ya think?

pearls before swine...

eyeliner alert..!!

It's Ozzy and Harriet!

Is this the first Heavy Metal Administration???
First, this Metal Madness that seems to be effecting the Bush Administration took over cute little Jenna...
then, it took over Daddy...
and, then, it REALLY took over Daddy...
which, in turn, spawned Condi-Goth..!
Party On, Dudes! Heads and Gavels will be bangin' at the Supreme Court now!

pearls before swine...



I was initially pissed off when reading this article in The Sun, as, once again, it seems that someone has given in to more whining of the Musilm community. Actually, I was a little more than pissed off, I was seething. Yes, that's the word - seething - until I scrolled down a bit to see that, at the bottom of the article, was an ad for the DVD version of "Kingdom of Heaven", which is full of great heathens being slaughtered by Crusaders action. I'm glad to find that at least one Brit sees the humor in it all.
As for any of the barbarians that might read this, all I can offer is this...

Here's a little piggy lovin' for you. Have a nice day.

pearls before swine...