
it's Friday...

something new always comes about on a Friday, so it seems...
If you wander over to the sidebar and click on the picture of Zipper, you will be taken to my new effort, The Song of the Week...
Might be old stuff, might be something new, might be more than once a week, as the fancy strikes me. Check it out. Enjoy.
Have a wonderful July 4th holiday. Don't blow any of your digits off fooling around with explosive devices, leave that for the pros.
Have fun, my fellow wanderers... fare thee well.

wander with me...


Rest in peace, Acidman...

A unique and talented fellow has slipped these surly bonds. The blogosphere is a bit smaller and a bit less interesting this morning. Fare thee well, Rob.
wander with me...


the gods...

are smiling on me, for a change... it looks like all the work I did on the roof to fix the leaking in the bathroom has worked. We had about three inches of rain in forty minutes yesterday and there was no leak, so now I can finish sheetrocking the ceiling and continue on with the bathroom renovation. Don't expect much blogging between now and next weekend, I need to do some serious DIY ass-kicking on it so it is at least presentable for the July 4th weekend. The big family party is on Saturday. I think it's going to be low key this year, which is cool. I don't even have any fireworks this year, I guess we'll have to be satisfied with a bonfire and the firefies. Works for me. Well, I have to go rustle up some dinner, pay some bills and finish my laundry. No rest for the wicked, eh?
Be well, fellow wanderers. Fare thee well.

wander with me...


Another new font...

has been added. Also whipped up a dissolve effect, if it does not work with your browser, let me know.
wander with me...


hickory, dickory, dock...

One of the resident Felis catus had some fun last night. I got up this morning to find a very expired Peromyscus maniculatus carefully laid out on the throw rug in front of the kitchen door. Not a mark on it, but most definitely past. Although it might have been Miss Orange or GameCube, it was probably Tiger the Cat, as she was paying particular attention to the space behind the pump organ in the dining hall last night as I was going to bed. She is a usually docile sort, quite happy to spend the day curled up on the divan in the parlor, moving only to stay in the sun, but that belies the fact that she has always been a notorious mouser, absolutely relentless when the hunt is on. She wins most of the time. And, she’s very neat about it, I can’t recall but one time when she shredded her poor prey, I was finding bits and pieces around The Manor all day. She usually just dispatches them, then lays them out just so, in a place that you are sure to see them and admire her work. I’m thinking she might be a reincarnated funeral director, they look so natural you would think they were just having a bit of a lie-down before going back to doing mousey things.
Well, that’s one less to worry about, I guess, but, seeing how it’s summer, I can’t help but think the poor thing was in The Manor® by accident, rather than design. We usually don’t have company of their sort until late in the fall. I hope this isn’t a new trend…
Wander on, friends. Fare thee well.

wander with me...


'tis Midsummer's Eve...

as I wander through this mortal coil, it is special times like this that bring me back to ground...
I wish you peace on this day, and all to come.

wander with me...



as you may or may not know, is a very important part of my life...
after seeing this, I am switching to Folger's... they seem to have the right idea...

wander with me...


you can only wander...

halfway into the woods... after that, you are wandering out...
wander with me...


So, what do you think..?

Is it depressing enough for you? It works for me...
I'm quite fond of this font, but if it's too hard for you to read, or if you think it would be better in a color of some sort, just let me know... as I'm finding out so very late in life, I'm here to serve...

wander with me...

as you can see...

there are changes afoot... nothing remains the same... nothing...
what say you..?


to paraphrase...

Mr. Twain...
Never try to teach a duck to sing...

you will most definitely waste your time and the duck will either bite the shit out of you or sign a contract to do insurance commercials and leave you to wallow in your own self pity...

Wander on friends, wander on...

what say you..?


how could I forget...

I forgot to tell you that I smashed my left thumb with the hammer more times than I care to remember. I have invented several new oaths, that I am willing to rent out for a reasonable fee, they are even better than those I crafted when putting up the tin ceiling in the kitchen. I am truly creative in the throws of pain. It is twice the size of my right thumb and I doubt I will need to waste black fingernail polish on it for some time. See, there's a bright side to everything.
That's it, friends. Have a wonderful evening.
what say you..?

jesus up a tree...

I'm tired. And sore. And sunburned. Here's a quick wrap-up of my three day weekend.
Saturday; mowed the lawn. took hours since it was ankle high from all the rain lately. took a shower, ate some Tylenol, headed out to the local short track to watch the stock car races with my two brothers in law. Good lads, they are. The best.
Drank beer, ate a huge hotdog, got home late and ate some more, drank some more, then crashed.
Sunday; did the shopping. started relining the gutters on The Manor, yet again, this time with copious amounts of black pitch stuff to make sure they are sealed once and for ever. Labored until I was unable to lift the hammer anymore. Somehow managed to get down the ladder, into the shower and fall into bed at six thirty. Yes, six thirty, PM. Set the alarm for eight thirty so I could get up to watch the NBA finals. Dallas won, again. I am happy.
Today; started back up on the roof at eight thirty in the morning; spent the day cutting roll roofing, slathering black pitch stuff, pounding in thousands of nails. My knee is killing me; I have a cramp in my left side that is just on the verge of erupting into one of those events that makes you scream, if you can breath. Hate chest muscle cramps.
When I was dangling over the edge of the roof doing some edge nailing, I shifted myself and sat on my right nut for the second time in a week. Gentlemen, you know the pain of which I speak. Ladies, you can't even imagine. Not pleasant. Finished up around five, took a shower, headed out for a sixpack of Peroni Italian Lager and a pack of smokes, both of which I've started making a dent in. Tomorrow is going to be hell. I'm too old for this shit. I really, really am.
I'm too tired to wander, someone will have to wander for me tonight. Thanks.
Fare the well, friends. Fare thee well.

what say you..?


How I didn't spend 6/6/06...

Apparently my conservative goth clothing, jewelry and occasional black nail polish, along with the common knowledge amongst some people I know that I celebrate special days based upon the solar and lunar calendars, has inspired some interesting misconceptions. For the past two days, I've been peppered with the question,
"So, what did you do for 6/6/06?". I think it might be easier to tell you what I didn't do, and, perhaps, more fun;
I did not engage in any spooky gatherings intended to celebrate the anti-Christ, Satan, Lucifer, Old Nick, Hob, the Black Prince, the Prince of Darkness, the Un-Holy One or whatever you fancy calling him/her/it. I do not believe in the afore mentioned character, as, not being of the Judeo/Christian/Islamic ilk, that particular belief is not afforded me. I did not perform any dark rituals in order to summon the afore mentioned character, nor any other demon or imp, nor did I try to raise the spirit of Ernie Kovaks, although his company I would at least enjoy.
I did not slit the belly of a newborn baby with a silver blade, rip out it's steaming entrails, hold them to the night sky and utter incantations in unexpected tongues to divine the future, get a weather report or obtain the inside track on winning lottery numbers.
I did not dance around any bonfires, stir any cauldrons or cast any spells, nor did I stick pins in effigies.
I did not drink foul potions or slather myself with rude ointments, unless you can count a glass or two of Yellow Tail Shiraz-Cabernet and a generous application of Preparation H to an incessantly recurrent hemorrhoidial eruption.
I did not partake in any orgies, nor did I deflower any virgins, but I must admit that, should that particular opportunity present itself again in this life, it would be a sore test of my resolve. But I digress...
I did not have sex with any animals, domestic, wild or barnyard and I especially would not be interested in plugging some smelly old goat, as some ill-learned folks think is a mandatory act on such auspicious occasions...
I did not listen to any Black Sabbath albums, nor frustrate myself trying to play The White Album backwards.
I did not wear any robes, my moth-eaten old bathrobe not withstanding.
I did not cavort naked about the woods, wearing my deer antler helmet - I save that fun for really special celebrations.
I did not cast runes, deal the Tarot or read tea leaves.
I did not burn red, black, white or any other candle, save the pink one in the parlor to mask the musty smell the Manor takes on when we have a long spell of rainy weather.
I did not ride upon a broom.
I did not shape shift, but if I could, I would. My shape is worth shifting out of...
I did not converse with any familiars, other than to warn Tiger the Cat about having any designs on my evening repast that night, I get a real greedy streak about me when I have a home grilled cheeseburger at the ready; I will not share it with her. Besides, I would rather not be cleaning up cat barf in the middle of the night. That is true evil...
I did not adorn the Manor or my person with inverted pentangles, upside-down crosses, black wreathes, bundles of hyssop or toad wort.
I did not watch any Harry Potter movies, nor read the Necronomicon.
I came home from work, put on my comfy gray sweatpants and a hoodie, ate my cheeseburger, plopped my ass down on the sofa, put a bag of ice on my knee, had a few glasses of wine, watched two hours of Law & Order, then went to bed. I think I may have smoked a cigarette or two.
I appreciate all they mystery and awe that everyone heaps on me, but it is ill spent. Really. I'm just a wanderer... and a bore.
I can't wait until 7/7/07...
Fare thee well.

what say you..?


I've returned...

for the time being... slightly older, but none the wiser...
This sucks... another true talent has left us.
what say you..?

No good deed...

goes unpunished...
what say you..?